
Since I began on this Road to Awesome with Angie I have lost close to 20 pounds and 18 inches, improved my mile time by over 2 minutes, and gained more knowledge on how to eat to nourish my body. I am more confident, goal oriented, driven, and all around inspired to not only have dreams, but fight like hell to achieve them. What began with my desire to change my body and improve my eating habits has led to so much more.  I can't say it was an easy decision to start, but once that decision was made, but there was no turning back. Angie would not let anyone turn back. She has a genuine belief that everyone is designed for great things, that if you want something you MUST go get it.


The Road to Awesome made me answer the question what would scare yet delight me the most. The answer led me from California to New York and now to London Drama School to pursue my dream. Angie is that little voice inside my head that says, 'you can do it,' and 'why not me.' 

Oh the places you will go! 


Due to lifelong health issues, doctors told me I would not be able to get pregnant, much less carry a child to birth. Because of the Road to Awesome I started to believe I could and I DID! Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for this "way of life" and my amazing healthy baby boy. Since the birth of my son, and staying on The Awesome Road, I have not only lost the baby weight, but healthfully lost an additional 42 pounds. I believe with the tools and training RTA teaches you, there is NOTHING you cannot do. 


My dream has come true. I wanted to become pregnant and wasn't sure if at age 42 it would happen for me. Angie confidently revealed that with the help of the Road to Awesome, other women had my same wish and had a healthy baby. I signed up, followed every recipe, every workout and every positive word that spewed from her being. Happy to report, PREGNANT and even happier to report, gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Cannot say thank you enough Angie for this awesome road! Looking forward to continuing post baby and clearance for exercise. 


When I realized that I lost my consistency with my workouts I connected with Angie's 30 Day Plan to recalibrate and get back on track. In just 4 weeks my broken plan was fixed with the tools needed for consistent training and intuitive eating. With the Road to Awesome's guidance, I pushed myself physically; it was such a cool feeling to break through. For over two decades I have worked as a fitness professional. My personal clients and students range from the mom and dad next door to teaching and training celebrity “stars” in LA. Even with this list of accomplishments, I was that overworked and stressed person that still has personal goals that I want to reach, just like everyone else. From the moment I started to work with Angie she set the tone and created a structured plan that was motivation based and consisted of nutrition guidance and a specific daily training schedule. Angie inspired me to move every day which I loved.  What was important for me was to deliver what she asked me to do, even on the days where I felt like I needed a break. Angie walks the walk and will genuinely guide you with her knowledge and experience. Angie’s commitment to her own healthy and fit life made it easy for me to be accountable and responsible. 



I joined the Road to Awesome with Angie on a whim and I fell in love right away. Being a distance runner, I spent a lot of time just running and it felt incomplete. I knew I needed to incorporate other types of training to become better, faster and stronger but didn't know how. And to be honest, I wasn't that dedicated going at it alone. Since joining the Road to Awesome I've not only seen significant progress in my running and fitness, but also in my attitude towards life. Angie's positivity and zest for life has spilled over onto me. I've developed a "yes I can" attitude, and have applied many of the things Angie has taught me to the rest of my life with great results. Road to Awesome is more than just push-ups and sweat - it's a full-on life change and I can't wait to see where I go next. I am so grateful for the things Angie has taught me and can't believe it took me so long to find her.


I had my blood work redone. My total cholesterol dropped 70 points. My doctor was so impressed with my clean, lean and green lifestyle – no statin drugs needed. Working with Angie's Road to Awesome helped me realize that I don't have to be perfect, I just have to get it done!  The plant-based meal plans challenged me to eat out of my comfort zone, and it was such a success we continue to incorporate more and more vegan choices into our diet. The Road to Awesome is the perfect balance of inspiration, perspiration and strong motivation. I am not an athlete, but I am the most fit and well-fed that I have been in 40 years. This road even led me to join a Crossfit class recently and guess what…I loved it. This is something I would have never even have tried if it were not for this awesome journey.


Participating in the Road to Awesome has had a profound, everlasting impact on my life and the lives of those who are near and dear to me. The lifelong blessing that working with RTA brought me was a smooth pregnancy and my beautiful healthy baby boy. A few weeks into the plan, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I was pregnant with my third child. My prior pregnancies resulted in two healthy, happy babies but were wrought with turbulence - including multiple hospitalizations and three months of bed-rest. I was completely expected to experience the same complications but they did not reoccur. In fact, I feel that because of living the RTA principles during my entire pregnancy, I not only avoided bed-rest altogether but also exercised up until the day I went into labor.

Following the simple straightforward guidelines made me feel lighter, stronger, cleaner and most importantly happier. Words do not and cannot accurately describe how valuable the RTA is. Join and change your life! 


The bottom line is I happily lost 80 pounds on the Road to Awesome with Angie, not once, but twice after baby #1 and baby #2. Best. Decision. Ever. 


The Road to Awesome was motivating, easy to understand and covered everything I needed from exercise, what I ate and even how to fit my workouts into my busy schedule with work and my boys. I liked that the workouts could be done anywhere. I started running too and I am not a runner. I couldn’t wait to run a few miles here and there because I felt so great doing it and knew I was getting stronger. Man, I never imagined I would or could feel like this! I’m telling you now, if you need to get in shape, get healthier, stay motivated, enjoy your family more - then this program is for you. It completely changed my life. 

BP before: 130/ 90 | BP after: 105/74
Weight before: 180 | Weight after: 165


A fire has been lit in me that long ago I thought had burned out. Because of this Road to Awesome, I went from being a big skeptic, an occasional exerciser, and a craver of sweets, to a HUGE believer, one who embraces fitness, and one who eats to fuel my body. I even recently joined Crossfit and just competed in the open as a Masters athlete!
I have been inspired, encouraged, prodded and pushed in ways that have totally transformed my life. As a grandmother I spend lots of time with my 3 grandchildren with more energy than I could have ever imagined. I am in charge and on fire! 


Where do I start? I have never had a personal trainer before, but I cannot imagine that even “physically” meeting with someone on a daily basis would provide any more motivation and help than I’ve had with Angie and the Road to Awesome online. I couldn’t have asked for better guidance and encouragement. It’s a commitment. It’s a challenge and it’s tough at times, but you will WANT to complete every workout, every day. You won’t be just let a day “slide” here and there because you know that the Road to Awesome crew are counting on you! What makes RTA different? Angie. She has a gift of motivating you to strive for more and way of truly believing in you when sometimes you don’t even believe in yourself. 


Joining the Road to Awesome with Angie was my way of keeping mentally and emotionally strong during a personally vulnerable period, and boy did it make a positive difference. The Road to Awesome solved my unique needs, and guided me toward my goals. I value the friendships made within the accountability and support structure and even now in the VIP monthly crew. My fitness needs were different, in that I was a good bit older than some others on the Road to Awesome. When I started I had moved across the country and was in the middle of planning my oldest daughter’s wedding. While I considered myself pretty fit, and always enjoyed working out, especially running and yoga, this plan gave me the tools to become even more fit and more capable in all areas of my life. Angie gracefully got into my head with her style of motivation – always leading with the power of the positive. This unique approach worked for me and continues to help me push for greater health and fitness, especially now that I have transitioned into my new wonderful role as a grandmother. Thank you Angie!



Even with three young children, a husband and a full-time career, because of the Road to Awesome I made positive changes and felt better at 40 than I ever have in my life. I had been working out with my personal trainer face-to-face for three years before I started the Road to Awesome online.  It was only when I started working with Angie that my body changed significantly for the better – stronger and leaner. I was able to do my first ever “kipping pull-up,” and was able to make these changes a part of my lifestyle as opposed to just doing them short-term and getting back on the roller coaster. I am grateful for this journey that has positively impacted not only my life, but my family’s health as well.


When I was sitting on the doorstep of 40 years old, I was in a rut. For so many years I was lean and in shape and then the kiddos came, along with a bag full of excuses, and I fell of the wagon.  I had the best of intentions to get it going again, but the elliptical machine and eating right just weren't working. I needed a kick in the pants and that is where the Road to Awesome came in! Within a few weeks, I ran 3 miles. Not walked and ran, but RAN 3 miles.  I haven't run 3 miles since I was a senior in high school, but I did it and I couldn't have done it without this expert plan. I felt accountable and the plan made it simple to eat right and not have to think about what workout I was going to do today. It was all there in front of me! When I wanted to quit at the beginning, I felt a sense of responsibility to keep it going. I feel like I am equipped with more knowledge and enthusiasm than I have had in years. I know it is up to us to get moving, but it was essential to have Angie on my team to get it done!  I am grateful to her, and my wife and kids are too! In life, there are NO EXUSES, ONLY CHOICES and I am thankful I chose to get moving on this Road to Awesome!


Because of the Road to Awesome I just passed my instructor certification in Krav Maga, something I would have never done before getting on this journey! Angie helped me regain confidence in myself and continues to challenge me to tap into the strength that was already there within me. Now as an instructor, this is what I want to do for my students – ignite their strength that they already have.
When I felt fear because of a setback or an obstacle, I reached back to those early steps on the Road to Awesome, when I was at my lowest, dealing with headaches, having breathing challenges, yet putting one foot in front of the other and even running back and forth front of my house for a mile or even 2 miles at 11 pm. The Road taught me to get back up and go for it and now I will use that to inspire others too.


Angie is truly an inspiration. Her genuine commitment, dedication and boundless positive energy are qualities I not only admire but are qualities which help to change people’s lives. Simply being around Angie makes you want to do better, be better and feel better. She is someone who walks her talk and lives what she teaches.


Before Angie’s Road to Awesome, my poor health contributed to not being successful with a second pregnancy. Once I got on her plan, I was able to not only drop dress sizes, set a personal record in running, but ultimately, was able to get pregnant again and have a healthy baby boy. 


Working with Angie is some of the best money I have ever spent on myself.  Not only have I learned some very healthy habits, but I have also learned some positive mental habits. For me, knowing that I can 'start over' any day is huge.  The Road to Awesome forces you to hold yourself accountable, but with the safety net of a group who are going through the same struggles. We all struggle at different times so when one person is falling down there is someone else who is soaring to boost the struggling person up. The Road to Awesome truly brings out the best in each person. I even have my Road to Awesome Philosophy pinned to my bulletin board in my office.  Don't misunderstand - I am NOT the poster child for perfection but perhaps the poster child for believing and not giving up. I will work with Angie in some capacity forever.  She's as good as they get. 


I lost over 30 pounds and several dress sizes - not to mention running my first 10K road race. I have regained control of my health and fitness despite my busy work/travel schedule. The Road to Awesome positively changed my relationship with food and sweat, and helped me believe that anything is possible.


Before I signed up with the Road to Awesome, I was not a “runner.” But after completing the 30-Day and then to sticking with the plan my running took off – first a mile, then a 5K, then a 10K and then a year later my first half-marathon! I know that I could not have done any of this without Angie's expert plans, her challenging workouts, delicious recipes, honest advice and positive encouragement. The Road to Awesome can help anyone at any fitness level meet their personal fitness goals. It did for me!  I wasn't feeling my best self, and not only did I improve my fitness level but more importantly I gained the tools to continue what I started.  I set goals and with the help of this Road to Awesome exceeded them.


As the boyfriend of someone who signed up for the Road to Awesome, I just wanted to thank Angie for what she is doing. My girlfriend and I both run ultra-marathons and have a couple of races this season. We did a 38km run on gnarly North Vancouver trails on Saturday, with a 1700 elevation gain, and then woke up on Sunday morning and ran 16km on the road with a half marathon clinic. Why am I telling you this? Because neither of us had any soreness or muscle pain between the runs or after the runs thanks to the Road to Awesome’s amazing strength workouts and meal plans. It's been almost a year since we've become vegetarian. The daily plant-based meal plans have helped us to reduce our recovery time and ultimately improve our performance. 


As a 7-year breast cancer survivor, I had struggled with returning to my pre-cancer weight and overall health. What an eye-opener this Road to Awesome has been for me. I not only lost weight but also became healthier in all aspects of life. I am much more mindful of eating nutritious, cancer-fighting and cancer-preventing healthy foods that fuel my body, and I now enjoy numerous delicious plant-based dishes. I have learned to live and thrive by stepping out of my comfort zone. Angie has taught me all of this by being my biggest cheerleader, encourager and, only when needed, offering gentle tough love.  She is a wealth of healthy knowledge and truly one of a kind. I was sold on Angie during my steps with her and have never looked back.


Meet Angie

Hello! I’m a fitness expert, mom, wife, entrepreneur, workout creator & vegetable slayer dedicated to getting you to a body and life you love.




Move Your Body

run, lift, yoga, swim, bike, skate, paddle board, basketball, hike, soccer, surf, sprint, dance, play tag, ballet …


Eat Your Plants

Honeycrisp apples, Eureka lemons, Navel oranges, broccoli, collards, lentils, chickpeas, edamame, almonds, quinoa, rice, black beans, hemp seeds….


Help Others

volunteer at a school, coach a team, check on your neighbors, donate food, foster or adopt an animal, donate to a good cause…