Get Lean Workouts
Get Lean Workouts is a results-oriented overall fitness at-home plan that will give you the lean body you want. I’ve spent 20+ years as a fitness professional working with clients understanding what works & what doesn’t and have put it all together in this 4-week training guide that I know will transform your body.
All you have to do is follow the plan. Includes everything you need to start right now. No equipment needed. No excuses. Let’s roll!
What you’ll receive:
✰ new easy-to-follow 25 min at home workouts with no equipment needed
✰ new mobile-friendly clickable calendar to easily navigate & track daily workouts
✰ 10 videos featuring strength-training workouts showing optimal form for optimal results
✰ 12 guided walk to run progressions for every level
✰ new weekly energizing warm ups & body-opening mobility
✰ alternating strength based body weight workouts & cardio based workouts
✰ science-based workouts crafted with 20+ years of professional training experience
✰ three training options to suit your fitness level
✰ positive can do, will do, golden vibes
✰ results!!!
Get it now for $29.99 or get the Bundle of Workouts and Recipes for $49.99